A couple weeks ago I pledged to show my process of quilting no matter how ugly it got. And it's pretty ugly. Rossie over at Fresh Modern Quilts started this challenge back in 2010 and I just happened upon it recently. An added bonus to visiting her blog entry for this challenge is getting a comprehensive list of quilting blogs and websites....over 900 now. WOW! Quilter's heaven!
Anywho, here is my WIP. It is a Kathy Brown design called Fat Man's Squeeze and it's coming together pretty well (when I get to work on it, that is). The whole quilt is a jelly roll sewn in strips then cut into triangles, cut again, then sewn back together again. FUN!

My first blocks are the darker fabrics and kind of busy for my taste but I am hoping when I put the lighter blocks with them, the quilt will balance out. I also have that block on the bottom that needs ripping apart and re-done....WONKY!!
On another note, here is a mess I made with my last quilt. Somehow the seam popped and now I am sewing it shut by hand. This is my husband's quilt and he is afraid to cover up with it with a popped
seam and since it has been on the quilt rack like this for almost a year then it's time to fix it.
And on a 3rd note, I mentioned in my Life Is On The Back Roads post that I picked up some bargains at a flea market in Arkansas. One was a framed long rectangle print for $3. Didn't want the print but did want the wood frame and glass. The reason...wall decals that won't stick to my textured walls. I saw this idea on Pinterest and I immediately knew this was my solution. I have it propped on my shelf above the sewing machine right now but would like to hang it above the window in my sewing room.
So, that is my lastest Pinterest experiment. I would love to hear about your Pinterest successes and failures. Or if you just wanna chat about what you are working on I would love to hear about them and see pics.