Thursday, January 17, 2013


First Shoe Organizer At 40

I know it's hard to believe but I have never bought a shoe organizer before. Now, the hardest thing to believe, probably, is that I've never had a need for one because I've never owned that many pairs of shoes at one time. What? A woman who doesn't like shoes? Well, I like shoes, but not 24+ pairs at time like. So, this past week I bought an over the door shoe organizer to help me organize sewing supplies. I had gotten so tired of digging through an overstuffed drawer of interfacings and fusibles to find the right one I need and to help me not to waste money buying a type of interfacing or fusible I already have. It's working out pretty well so far. There are 24 expanding pockets that are see through. It came with the hooks and was less than $7 at Wal-Mart. I only have it about half full but I know it won't take long to fill it up. It's great at holding packaged fusibles but it can also easily hold folded yardage of interfacings, vinyl, fusible fleece and even packaged zippers. The downside, as you can see by the pic, is that it's not that pretty out in the open. Especially, since my sewing room is actually the breakfast room off of the kitchen. Oh, also it's the dog's room. Over a year ago, I took over the breakfast room because the hubby wouldn't let me take over a guest room. Baron, the dog, wouldn't let me move his bed so I work around it and him. You can see a corner of it on the left side of the pic and on the right you get a glimpse of my design wall, which is made from a Christmas vinyl tablecloth. Since Baron won't let me move his bed (which is a metal crate and quite large) I am going to utilize it somehow as a pressing surface. When I get more done in my sewing room, I will post a tour. Have a great weekend and share how you have re-purposed a shoe organizer!

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